Good Tidings from Jolly Ol' St Nickase!

Here are some good tidings for the season!


I saw three SNPs come sequenced in
On CRISPR day, on CRISPR day
Yes all three SNPs came sequenced in
On CRISPR day in the morning
On CRISPR day in the morning
And what was with those SNPs all three
On CRISPR day, on CRISPR day?
And what was with those SNPs all three
On CRISPR day in the morning?
On CRISPR day in the morning
The TracrRNAs were there
On CRISPR day, on CRISPR day
The Spacers and Repeats were there
On CRISPR day in the morning
And HDR the changes made
On CRISPR day, on CRISPR day
Oh, with all the target changes made!
On CRISPR day in the morning

Then let all the lab rejoice again
On CRISPR day, on CRISPR day
Then let all the lab rejoice again
On CRISPR day in the morning!


Good news, ye merry gentlemen,
Now nothing you’ll dismay,
Remember that our Savior
Was born on CRISPR-day
To save poor souls from Mutant’s power,
Which long had gone awry.
And it is tidings of comfort and joy.

In genes that were our father's
The blessed changes came
Unto some certain Cas9 kit,
With tidings of the same;
That he was born in perfect health
The Son-of-CRISPR, named.   
Oh! tidings of comfort and joy, etc.

Kandiliniz Mübarek olsun

Mevlid Kandili...

Alemlere rahmet olarak gönderilen Peygamberimiz Hz. Muhammed'in (sas) kutlu doğumu olan Mevlid Kandilimiz Mübarek ve hayırlara vesile olsun  efendim... 

Rahmetli Büyük Annem Kandillerde gündüzleri  ne çamaşır yıkardı ne bulaşık genelde kuru fasulye yapardı kolay yemek diye zamanı kalsın bol dua istiğfar etsin diye, ''iş her gün oluyor da her gün kandil olmuyor'' derdi...

Oturur bol bol tesbih çekerdi geceleri de gücü yettiğince kaza namazı kılar Kur'an okurdu...

 Eski türkçe bilmezdi  , yeni türkçeden okurdu ''Aaa olurmu hiç öyle  İlla Arapça öğren'' diyenlere de
  ''yaşım  seksen öğrenemem istesem de almıyor aklım artık  yan gelip yatmaktan iyidir'' derdi...

 Nur içinde yatsın. 

Bu mübarek gece kusur ve günahlarımızdan tövbe ve istiğfarda bulunmalıyız. En azından bir tesbih "Estağfirullah" demeliyiz.

Dualarda buluşmak üzere hayırlı kandiller...

Kitap: Bânû Cihan

  Binbir Gece Masalları tadında, iç içe geçmiş hikayelerden oluşuyor Kâmilu'l Kelâm ve Bânû Cihan. 
Şarkın esrarengiz dünyasında, akşam başlayıp sabaha kadar devam ediyor bu hikayeler. 
   Kâmil, gâh aşktan perperişan  yiğitlere yol gösteriyor, gâh kararsız kalanlara şu hikayeyi de anlatayım da gene sen bilirsin diyor, gâh vefasızlıktan sinir küpü olmuş şehzadelere dur hele bütün kadınlar öyle değil nevinden tesellilerde bulunuyor. 
   Bu hikayeler anlatılırken siz de aradan bir yerlerden bakıp, aa valla doğru söylüyor, ee sonra nolmuş... diyerek kendinizi olayların, sarayların içinde buluyorsunuz. 

  Siz de benim gibi okumaya başlamadan önce minik hazırlıklar yapıyorsanız, akşam loş ışıkta, kahve eşliğinde  okumanızı tavsiye ederim. (Kahve değil de bu kitaba Osmanlı şerbeti lazım aslında)
Hatta mum da ekleyin ki yanıbaşınızda titreyen ışık, bu masalsı aşk yolculuğuna sıcaklık katıversin.

  Ha, sadece kör bir aşktan bahsetmiyor kitap. Öyle hoş nasihatler veriyor ki. Ama en çok da sabır, acele etmek, haset konuları üzerinde duruyor. 

  ...Ve arka kapaktan bir alıntı: Sözlerin olgununu, olgun insanlar söyler. Elinizdeki eser de olgun sözlerden oluşan bir demet... 

♥ Keyifli okumalar ♥ 

at The Sea Garden

Tuesday 22nd Dec - Sunday 3rd Jan :
 Open daily (except Christmas Day and Boxing Day) 1 - 5pm

Christmas Eve : Open 10.30am - 5pm

Bank Holiday Monday 28th Dec : 1 - 5pm and evening 6.30 - 8.30pm  SALE STARTS!


İzleyici Gadgeti sorunu!!

Benden başkasında bu sorun var mı merak ediyorum izleyicilerim dakika başı  siliniyor !
 906 üyeden şu an  863 teyim :)
 bir ara  700,dü acaba borsaya mı endeksli oldu benim blog 
bir düşüyor bir çıkıyor:))

 Baştan belki kendileri sildi diye düşündüm bir baktım silinen üye  on dakikada  yüz elli  yani on dakikada yüz elli giriş olmamış...

Telofondan da sorun yaratıyor  illa gireceğim diye  telefon hep parmak izi ,  cinayet bürodan gelecekler az kaldı:)

 Blogger izleyicilerimi geri verrrr....
 Okutulmamış  anılarımız var olmaz ki! 

Ölümün izleri...

Ölümün İzleri...

Ölüm zor mu? 

Bilemem daha önce hiç ölmedim  , arkasından baka  kalmak çok zor defalarca yaşadım , en acısı da yine gel diyememek  bir daha gelmeyeceğini bilmek...
  Ölenin acısı dışında birde arkasından miras  merağı olan , hayır için alınan hediyeleri yağmalayıp  günaha çeviren ,  dua için değilde gıybet için yapılan toplantılar haline getiren akrabalar var .
 Bir ara acaba sadece bize özgü
mü diye düşündüm
  , hangi cenazeye gitsem hiç görmedim böyle bir şey yada  dört duvar arası olunca karşıdan göremiyoruz.

 O öyle olsun bu böyle olsun  yedinci gecesi için dua olacak salı gecesi şimdiden resmen   şirket toplantısı gibi toplanıp herkes  ayrı kafadan bir şeyler söylüyor , yok pilavıydı , hediyesiydi o diyor öyle olsun bu diyor böyle olsun , Halam çok yaşlı  aklı bir geliyor bir gidiyor ,  bir ağlıyor bir  ölmedi o  gelecek diyor , paralarımı harcamak için yapıyorsunuz diyor, gülüyoruz kızıyor . 

 Her  konuşması tuhaf
 kaç senedir yaşattım da artık bitti demez mi!
 hönk  nasıl yani!   meğerse çok paraları var ya  tedavileri  özel hastanelerde olduğu için paraya dayandığı için  o vermiş ömrü Allah değil! acaba o malı mülkü onlara kim verdi halamı çok severim de bu huyları utanç veriyor bana  herkesin içinde söylüyor...

 Yaşı seksene geliyor halen  böyle şeylerin   parayla olmadığını  anlayamamış  herkesle küslerdi herkesle kavgalı  Almanya'dan kızları damatları  geldi onlardan başkada sadece kendi akrabalarımız ve bizim çevrelerimiz geldi  , her şey insanla oluyor vesselam...
 kafam kazan gibi oldu .

 Cenazemiz Almanya'dan  gece yarısı geldi o yüzden kalabalıktık evde , köy evi  olunca  kaloriferli değil tabii herkes bir yere kıvrıldı   yattı ben ve yengem  kapı önünde halı üstüne kaldık altımıza koymaya minder bile kalmadı montla uzun süre uyumamak için mücadele ettik en sonunda kapı önüne yayılmışız  iki seksen...
 Tabii  kuru yerde ,sobada  yok  ikimizde şifayı kapmışız.
 Keşke hiç uyumasaydım ...

 Cenazede düğün gibi herkese para verildi ibrikçiye  tabutu tutana mezar açana 
ehhh utandım  bir ara yeterin ayıp yahu  Allah rızası için  geliyorlar
  herkesi parayla satın alır gibi olmaz diyecektim de baktım herkes memnun  , kimsede parayı yere atıp biz Allah rızası için yapıyoruz demedi. Yirmi bin lira harcamışlar daha yedinci gecesi var ne olur bilemiyorum yılbaşı yaklaşıyor duaya dansözdemi çağırsak dedim   yengeme ,  gülmeye başladı tövbe de deliii...

In our book, THE BABY MAKERS, we wonder about wondering about where babies come from

Many of you know that Anne and I are writing a head-trip-of-a book together.*

The first popular article to come from our project is now published on-line at Scientific American

I did much of the work on this years ago. So you can imagine how excited I am to see it get out and into the light.

The piece asks whether Koko the gorilla, and other animals, could possibly link sex and babies. 

Whether your gut says of course not or of course, let us show your gut the actual evidence.

The printed January issue should hit the shelves in a week...

Oh, baby.
... our book, The Baby Makers, which has more space for us to explore more curious territory, should hit the shelves a bit later, geologically speaking.

*which is still without contract. Here's how to fix that:


   Azizim şimdi nerden başlasam bilmem ki?
Son üç yıldır Amerika'ya gidiyor ve yaklaşık 2 hafta kalıyorum. 
  Henüz ben doğu eyaletlerini bitirebilmiş değilim. Gez gez kocaman bir kıta...

 Ennnn başından, uçak yolculuğundan başlıyorum. Gidiş yaklaşık 11 saat sürüyor. O arada birkaç film devirip, elinize ne geçerse okuyorsunuz ya da uyuyorsunuz. (Ben pek uyumamaya çalışıyorum ki inince jet lag olmayayım.)
  Tutulan ayaklar, bezgin bakışlar, sürekli yiyip içmekten dolayı önünüzde biriken çöpler...
(Allah var THY menüleri çok güzel, hele bir de havaalanında CIP Lounge'a girmişseniz yolculuk zaten pek keyifli başlamış oluyor.) 

    İnme vaktine yakın camdan baktığınızda İstanbul'un aksine yemyeşil bir New York görüyorsunuz. (Zaten dönünce İstanbul mimarisi gözünüze virane gibi geliyor) 
  Hani uçak inince bir alkışlama geleneği vardır ya, bu Amerika uçuşlarında pek olmuyor zira o kadar saat millete fenalık geldiğinden kimse de alkışlayacak derman kalmıyor.

  Amerika'ya ilk gidişimde "Gerçekten filmlerdeki gibi" demiştim. Ya hu adam taksi şoförü rap yapıyor sanki konuşurken. Kadın (bekçi), ondaki özgüven bende yok. Bu nasıl bir rahatlık bravo...

     Evleri genelde müstakil, estetik ve doğayı korumuşlar. Devasa ağaçlar... 
Biz duble yolla, iki köprüyle övüneduralım adamların 5-6 şeritli yolları, bir sürü köprüleri var. 

    New York canlı bir şehir. İnsan çeşitliliği çok fazla. Metroda şöyle bir millete bakınca siyahi, çekik gözlü, sarışın...

  Pek çok türden insan görüyorsunuz. Kozmopolit kelimesi yetersiz kalıyor.

  Tesettürlü birilerine pek rastlamıyorsunuz ama rastlarsanız da azınlık psikolojisinden olsa gerek kardeş kardeş bir sıcaklık oluyor hemen.
   Hatta bu kasım ayı gidişimde bir alışveriş merkezinde geleneksel Hintli bacılar görünce çok sevinmiştim.
(Hindistan seviyorum ben)
   Hemen o incredible İngilizcemle diyalog kurup baya sohbet etmiştim. Hatta bacılar müslüman çıkınca yumuş yumuş sarılmış, bıcır bıcır konuşmuş, gülüş gülüş ayrılmıştık.

   Tamamını yürüyerek bir çift ayakkabı eskittiğim ada Manhattan... Gökdelen şehri ama içinde göletler, müze ve spor sahaları olan koccaman bir Central Park ormanı var. Her yerde sincabiler (Ay canlarım!)

 Anlayacağınız adamlar şehir dizayn ederken insanı da düşünmüşler. 
   Her gün farklı bir otelde kalmak, nerenin nesi meşhursa el atmak, her şeyi Türkiye ile kıyaslamak (Maalesef çoğunlukla sınıfta kalıyor sevgili ülkem), farklı ve heyecanlı bir deneyim.

  Tanımadığınız kişiler bile gülümsüyor, selam veriyor. İyi derece konuşamasanız bile kimse yadırgamıyor.
(Hatta ben kendimi koyverip işaretle anlatıyordum çoğu zaman) 

  Yiyecek kısmına gelince donut, pankek, tarçınlı ekmekler... Aman aman tatları yok ama iyi reklam etmişler orası kesin.

  Ya hu kahvaltı yok resmen, yumurtalı ekmeğe tarçın konur mu hiç? Kesin yerleşirsem Türk işi fastfood açmak aklımı kurcalıyor.
   İçli köfteler, sarmalar, gözlemeler... Millet bayram etsin.

  Kahvaltı olmayan yerde helal yemek bulmak ise ciddi bir efor sarfettiriyor. Dayandık ton balıklı ekmeğe. Subway sağolsun.
   New Jersey'de Patterson denilen bölgede Türk mahallelerinden mütevellit kebapçılar var. Güzel de yapıyorlar. Bunların dışında anladım ki giderken zeytin, krem peynir, tarhana vs götürmek lazım.

    Amerika'nın güneyine indikçe nezaket ve elitlik artıyor gözlemlediğim.
    New York kozmopolit olduğu için herkes kendi kültürünü getirmiş. Ama aşağılara doğru daha sık thank you ve sorry duyuyorsunuz. Hem çok daha güzel bir yerleşim var.

  O kadar gezdim doğru düzgün otobüs görmedim. Sebebi ise araçların ve benzinin ucuz olması. 3300 kmde 110 $ benzin kullanmışız (Şaka gibi!)
  Bizde böyle olsa yaşını dolduran araba alır, trafik sorunu da külliyen çözülmez.

    Beyaz Saray oldukça mütevazı. Yine de önünde fotoğraf çektirenler eksik olmuyor. (O kadar seslendim Obama'ya. Bir hi bile demedi)


   Amerika her ne kadar çılgın görünse de, insanları mutlu, sistemi oturmuş bir ülke. Dönünce Türkiye'deki kabalık ve aksaklıklar hemen gözünüze batıyor. Sonra sorguluyorsunuz: Müslüman olan biziz ama müslüman sıfatlarına onlar daha çok sahip görünüyor! 


Let's be intelligent about intelligence

A lot of confusion reins over assertions about whether a physical or even behavioral trait is  'genetic'. There are several reasons for this.  One is the difference between mechanism and variation. Every human trait is genetic in the first sense: an organism develops from a fertilized egg because it has genes, and without its genes it could do or even be nothing.  So every trait is 'genetic' in the mechanism sense. But the other meaning of 'genetic' has to do with variation, and that is where the difficulty and often the contention lies.  The assertion that a trait is 'genetic' in this sense means that some people with a trait, or a particular trait measure, have it because of some particular genotype. That is, we all differ in the trait because of causal genetic differences.  Identifying genetic mechanisms or demonstrating that genetic variation is responsible for variation in a trait are genuine challenges.

Searching for genetic mechanisms responsible for, say, heart disease is one of those challenges.  It's difficult scientifically, but unlike with some other traits, the scientific question isn't politically loaded. Many people fervently want to stress the genetic role in intelligence, for example, and it's often for thinly disguised racist or elitist reasons.  A common response to almost any suggestion that an individual's intelligence might not be inborn, due to variants in his/her inherited genotype (meaning built-into the person's DNA sequence), is an accusation that the person is in denial of reality (but see our Dec 14 post about genetics and dialectics).  But who is really denying reality in such cases?  In our view, it is those who misperceive or misuse measures like heritability and have deep, emotional commitment to inborn destiny.

And, again, it's pretty clear that just slightly beneath the surface is often a racist or other discriminatory agenda: "let's identify 'them' and do something about it, to 'improve' them or prevent them from harming everybody else" (Trump's throw the Muslims out campaign, or the reluctance to invest 'our' resources in groups with inferior IQ, or in the worst case, eliminate them). If it's important to understand why people behave as they do (intelligence being just one aspect of behavior; there are of course many others), the argument goes, then one needs to know if it's genetic, that is, built into the genome at conception!  Again, then depending on who such knowledge is important to, individuals in the population can (should, must) be tested.

Of course, it's worth asking carefully whether what's really being looked for are individual differences, or group differences.  Why 'we' (those in power) 'need' (that is, want) to know which of 'their' behaviors are built-in, is unclear, but seems frequently to justify acting in discriminatory ways, favoring some and neglecting others.  In other words, of course intelligence is the result of gene action, but the argument is really about variation rather than mechanism.

But before we address these issues, it is worth providing a quick description of the core of the 'scientific' basis of the argument, which typically rests on a measure called 'heritability' (denoted here by H but typically written h-squared).

Heritability: simple-sounding word, but a slippery measure
When the genetics of intelligence, or most other behavioral traits for that matter, is considered, the proof that they are genetic is usually that their heritability is high.  Heritability has been known for decades to be a rough indirect indicator of genetic mechanistic cause, but it's a very elusive measure. The usual measure of H is basically the ratio of the amount of variation in genes (G) divided by the amount of variation in genes + variation in environment, G/(G+E), all within a particular sample at a particular time.  This is estimated typically by comparing the trait measure in relatives, since close relatives share specifiable fractions of their respective genetic variants.

This figure schematically shows the scatter of genetic similarities, each dot being values of the measure in an offspring compared to the average of its mother and father.  The figure shows the difference in such correlations if environmental effects are great and genetic variation accounts for only 10% of the similarity (left panel), or small where the environments contribute only 10% (right).

From Wikimedia images, taken from Nature

H in itself measures no specific genes or gene-variants, nor any specific environmental variants.  To avoid some confounding or confusing contributors to the trait, various additional types of sample are often studied or comparisons made, such as between adoptees vs biological children, or dizygous vs monozygous twins. Heritability studies also often try to remove correlations among relatives that are due to shared family environments that could, in the computation, falsely appear as genetic.  While these strategies are not useless, they are well-known to be imperfect.

Since the measure H is a ratio that depends on the particular conditions in your particular sample, if one of the terms (G or E) were to change, even within that same sample, the H value would also change. In other words, let the same population (the exact same set of genotypes) experience changed environments, and H will change. In that sense H is not an absolute measure of how genetic a trait is, but of how relatively important it is.  Let us repeat that--heritability is not a definitive measure of the genetic contribution to a trait.  It is about its context in a particular sample.

Every study of traits like IQ test scores, used as hopeful stand-ins for 'intelligence', shows that there is substantial heritability, though usually far below 1.0.  That means that environmental effects are important, usually predominant, even if genetic variation is contributing as well.  That's about all that H measures show.  'Environment' in this sense tells us nothing in itself about what the specific individual contributing factors might be, because they don't behave the way genetic factors do, thanks to the rules of genetic transmission from parent to offspring; environmental factors don't have theoretically specifiable patterns of clustering among people or even among relatives. The apparent environmental component estimated in H studies can also include things like chance, testing inadequacy, measurement error and so on.

The undeniable bottom line is that variation in traits like intelligence test performance is certainly affected by genetic variation because the trait itself is mechanistically affected by genes. But that is a crude and almost useless fact because the genetic component is generally polygenic, meaning that it is affected by large numbers of varying genomic elements, each making very small individual contributions. Here, we conveniently ignore whether current fad factors such as microbiomic or epigenetic effects are relevant, because each of them is variable, in each population or sample, and over time--even in each individual over time--and could in principle be inherited and hence appear in families as being 'genetic'.

What this means is that even each individual's inborn genetic component will be very different, that is, each of us will have different combinations of variants at tens or hundreds (or more) of contributing gene regions.  The predictability of achieved results from genomes, much less individual variants, will be correspondingly small, practically useless, as we've clearly seen for so many other complex traits (GWAS results, for example, even of IQ test scores). If we could measure environments the way we can measure genomic variation, they would be similarly complex with many individual factors involved, most with individually weak effects.  As with genotypes, the complexity of these environmental factors would mean each person is unique and predictions are weak, and that changing circumstances and imprecision in the risk estimates would have a large potential effect on each person's achieved results.  We've discussed these limitations (and the overselling) of genetic association studies many times here.

But, if one is determined to pry into everyone's inherent worth, here's how to do it properly:
Here's an idea: Let society decide that we want to know the real genetic truth about behaviors, not just the mechanisms but the effect of variation among individuals.  To do that, we must pass legislation to ensure that all environmental factors that contribute to behavior--all of them!--are exactly the same for everyone, from conception onward.  Once that is done, variation in test performance will be entirely due to genes, since the environmental variance, E, would be zero, so that H would be 1.0.  Now we can see how strongly genes in general, or individual genetic variants, determined results.  However, we assert with confidence that the result of individual genetic prediction would still be hopelessly complex in most cases (excepting, for example, clearly pathogenic genetic variants, which we know to be rare, and even they are usually not simple).

But this is of course a fantasy: making environmental effects uniform for everyone is obviously impossible, for at least two reasons.  First, we can't make the climate in Maine like that in Florida or California.  We can't have identical schools everywhere, or the same number of books in every home, or the same number of words spoken to each infant at each developmental stage.  And so on.  So maybe a more realistic idea would be to make the environmental variation the same everywhere, so that in a sense it was a kind of uniformly distributed 'error' term in measuring genetic effects.  Of course that can't be done either, for the same sorts of reason.

Secondly, genes don't work on their own, but interact with 'environments' in almost every imaginable way, and certainly in the development of the brain.  That means that separating G and E (as in G+E) is clearly an oversimplification of something very poorly understood.  Even fixing the same environment everywhere would not have the same effect on every genotype.

The bottom line, in reality, is that arguments, usually by those in privilege, that behaviors (and hence their societal value) are inherent, are almost inevitably working some other form of self-advantaging agenda.  Racism is right beneath the surface in much of this, but so are xenophobia and class differences.  So are hopes of producing babies with some desired property.  That's clear from the history of the subject.

Since it's impossible to think that society could make environments uniform for everyone so all that's left is genetic variation, the next most salubrious thing a society could do would be to provide the best environmental conditions for all of its members to thrive in, not expecting everyone to achieve the same but at least to have safe, satisfactory lives.  More socioeconomic equity by the elimination of poverty and privilege would be a solution if such equity were the real objective. Of course since the beginning of history this has been the stated goal of those who bemoan the unfairness of society (though less so of others who say we're inherently unequal and we ought to reward the privileged).  We gain little by peering into individual genomic 'souls' and condemning those found genetically wanting to fates that we, in the elite, decide is best for them (inevitably making sure we stay at the top).

This doesn't seem too cynical a view of the subject: If what those who assert the deep importance of genetics of behavior really want is for society to be fair, the first thing is to understand the environmental effects that obviously are the predominant causes of behavioral variation, and rectify the inequities.  Let society ensure that everyone has the same conditions: no upper class advantages in schools, ballet lessons, Kaplan prep courses for SATs to get them into Princeton, no jobs to get through family or parents' contacts, same number of books in every house, no corner drug dealers nor rats in the hallways in poor neighborhoods......  Or, how about broader 'intelligence' testing ideas, to include smarts like the ability to read defenses in basketball while flying through the air, or work a fork-lift efficiently, or fix one of today's complicated cars....

is a complex factor that is misused as much as it is used, because there are too many reasons to interpret its computational subtleties in ways that conveniently favor one's own social agenda. Not everyone interprets these issues in this way, but behaviors like intelligence are too juicy for those with such intentions to resist.  But, yes, let's be scientific, and commit to a concerted effort to make H approach 1.0, so that we can really understand the genetic contributions--that is, to make test-score differences really 'genetic'!  Then we could make sense of 'genetic' causes.  But, would any serious thinker believe it would be very useful?

Hüzün sardı dört bir yanımı...

Hep çok konuşurum ya aslında içimde rüzgarlar eser, belli olmasın diye  hep buruk bir gülüş takılıdır  dudaklarımda,  an gelirde rüzgarlar fırtınaya döner. İşte o zaman sadece içimdeki fırtınayı dinler ve duyarım.
 Sessizliğin sesini,  yüreğimin çığlığı bozar 
o sesi sadece gözyaşlarım duyar!...

 Eniştem vefat etmiş  köye gidiyorum:(

Christmas lights and/or lights out?

Wikimedia commons

Maybe you're too young or have just forgotten the early 1970s Arab oil embargo, but there's a sobering, if not depressing lesson to be had by recalling it.  At that time, oil supplies were limited as a way of forcing up the price.  People waited in long lines to fill up their gas tanks.

And then responded by lowering the speed limit to improve gas mileage, and by restricting the amount of gas that could be bought.

Rational rationing response (Wikimedia images)
Rational realities  (Wikimedia images)
How short is our memory!  At that time, Toyota and a few others (like a more honest VW then) made cars that were inexpensive, very easy to fix (as even I could do!), reliable, with much better fuel economy than most cars get today. We suddenly realized that we'd been living too high on the hog, and that it was time to tighten our belts--for everyone's collective good.  And we did not like being dependent on somebody else for our lives. Saving, economy, restraint, and self-sufficiency were actually popular, even here in the US.  'More' was not the only word in our vocabulary; small was beautiful as a widespread slogan of the '70s had it.  Of course, as soon as the embargo ended, auto-makers started puffing up their cars.

How times have changed!  Today's immediate news is all about the urgent need for stalling climate change.  Those who want to feel virtuous are using LED light bulbs and driving (expensive) hybrid cars.  Note the word 'driving', because our way of life still supports burgeoning suburbs that require driving (your Prius) many miles a day, even just to get a bottle of milk.  Pump prices are low--and Wall Street is bleating!  All the car makers, including Toyota, have been making, marketing, and selling road hog cars way bigger than most people have any need for.  Hardly anyone is complaining.  It's not even clear if the feel-gooders buying hybrids are actually saving much if any fossil fuels, given the environmental and cost issues of the batteries, and so on.  Even so, the total usage is up.

Not only were speed limits reduced to what were fuel-efficient speeds, street lights were turned out at night. And, then-President Jimmy Carter did things like put solar panels on the roof of the White House, use a wood stove for heat, and (though a Baptist, or perhaps because he had a sincere faith) requested that people not use Christmas lights in 1979 and 1980.  They might have been nice to look at, but they used energy that we realized we should save.

But...but we're now saving the earth!!!
The news media are currently blaring self-satisfied stories about how the Paris conference (that is, the countless delegates who flew there, and ate lots of meals requiring imported food) actually came to an agreement about possibly, maybe, we'll see, restrictions of fossil fuel usage.  Hopefully, they'll at least do the limited things they say.  So, brush your hands off in gratitude, and believe that we'll really 'save the earth'!

Has saving the earth sunk in?  From Wikimmedia images

However as the above picture shows, the depth of understanding is, one could say, rather shallow. Unlike the '70s, within living memory, the idea of real curtailing of our energy wastage is long forgotten in today's post-conference feel-good moments.

Yes, gaudy holiday lights (even imported by ship from very far away) don't individually use up much energy.  And, I mean, shouldn't we be able to show off our piety to our neighbors, even out-do them in that respect?  We don't need to save the earth that much, surely!

Symbolic restraint like LED light bulbs and (relatively) fuel-efficient cars show that the issues in reality have hardly sunk in.  The idea that we might actually realize what restraint in lifestyle would mean, if we were to take equity and posterity seriously, seems far-fetched.  Symbolic gestures -- like squiggly light bulbs -- that still allow us to keep up what we've been doing all along make us feel good.  But without a serious self-imposed embargo on our behavior, all the news stories and hand-wringing about climate change is false piety.  But that's nothing new, a delusion not all that different from religion.

But, of course, it must all be OK, because now we're finally saving the earth!

Ah, well, it might seem unseemly, in this Holiday season, but I can't help but wonder how many people in our world could be fed and have a decent life if we did even a little bit less driving and flying, and turned off these beautiful lights.

Rare Disease Day and the promises of personalized medicine

O ur daughter Ellen wrote the post that I republish below 3 years ago, and we've reposted it in commemoration of Rare Disease Day, Febru...