Nothing we humans do lives up to its own mythology. We are fallible, social, competitive, acquisitive, our understanding is incomplete, and we have competing interests to address, in our lives and as a society. I posted yesterday about universities as 'knowledge factories, reacting to a BBC radio program that discussed what is happening in universities, when research findings seem unrepeatable.
That program, and my discussion of what is going on at universities, took the generally expressed view of what universities are supposed to be, and examined how that is working. The discussion concerned technical aspects that related to the nature of scientific information universities address or develop. That is, in this context, their 'purpose' for being. How well do they live up to what they are 'supposed' to be?
Many of my points in the post were about the nature of faculty jobs are these days, and the way in which pressures lead to the over-claiming of findings, and so on. I made some suggestions that, in principle, could help science live up to its ideal.
Here in this post, however, I want to challenge what I have said about this. Instead, I want to take a somewhat distanced viewpoint, looking at universities from the outside, in a standard kind of viewpoint that anthropologists take, rather than simply accepting universities' own assessments of what they are about.
Doing poorly by their ideal standard
My post noted ways in which universities have become not just a 'knowledge factory', but more crass business factories, as making money blatantly increasingly over-rides their legitimate--or at least, stated--role as idea and talent engines for society. Here's a story from a few years ago about that, that is still cogent. The fiscal pursuit discussed in this post is part of the phenomenon. As universities are run more and more as businesses, which happens even in state universities, they become more exclusive, belying their original objective which (as in the land-grant public universities) was to make higher education available to everyone. In addition to becoming money makers themselves, academia has become a boon for student-loan bankers, too.
But this is a criticism of university-based science, and expressed as it relates to how universities are structured. That structure, even in science, leads to problems of science. One might think that something so fundamentally wrong would be easy to see and to correct. But perhaps not, because universities are not isolated from society--they are of society, and therein lies some deep truth.
Excelling hugely as viewed anthropologically
If you stop examining how universities compare to their ideals, or to what most people would tell you universities were for, and instead look at them as parts of society, a rather different picture emerges.
Universities are a huge economic engine of society. They garner their very large incomes from various sources: visitors to their football and basketball stadiums, students whose borrowed money pays tuition, and agencies private and public that pour in money for research. Whether or not they are living up to some ideal function or nature, they are a major and rather independent part of our economy.
Their employees, from their wildly paid presidents, down to the building custodians, span every segment of society. The money universities garner pays their salaries, and buys all sorts of things on the open commercial economy, thereby keeping many other people gainfully employed. Their activities (such as the major breakthrough discoveries they announce almost daily) generate material and hence income for the media industries, print and electronic, which in turn helps feed those industries and their relevant commercial influences (such as customers, television sales, and more).
Human society is a collective way for we human organisms to extract our living from Nature. We compete as individuals in doing this, and that leads to hierarchies. Overall, over time, societies have evolved such that these structures extract ever more resources and energy. Via various cultural ideologies we are able to keep things going smoothly enough, at least internally, so as not to disrupt this extractive activity.
Religion, ownership hierarchies, imperialism, military, and other groups have self-justifications that make people feel they belong. This contributes to building pyramids--whether they be literal, or figurative such as religions, universities, armies, political entities, social classes, or companies. Often the justification is religious--nobility by divine right, conquest as manifest destiny, and so on. That not one of these resulting societal structures lives up to its own ideology has long been noted. Why should we expect universities to be any different? These are the cultural ways people organize themselves to extract resources for themselves.
Universities are parasites on society, very hierarchical with obscenely overpaid nobles at the top? They show no limits on the trephining they do on those who depend on them, such as graduating students with life-burdening debt? They churn through those who come to them for whom they claim to 'provide' the good things in life? Of course! Like it or not, by promising membership and a better life, they are just like religions or political classes or corporations!
Institutions may be so caught up in their belief systems that they don't adapt to the times or competitors, or they may change their actions (if not always their self-description). If they don't adapt they eventually crumble and are replaced by new entities with new justifications to gain popular appeal or acceptance. However, fear not, because relative to their actual (as opposed to symbolic) role in societies, universities are doing very well: at present, they very clearly show their adaptability.
In this anthropological sense, universities are doing exceedingly well, far better than ever before, churning resources and money over far faster than ever before. Grumps (like us) may point out the failings of lacking to live up to our own purported principles--but how is that different from any other engine of society?
In that anthropological sense, whether educating people 'properly' or not, whether claiming more discoveries that stand up to scrutiny, universities are doing very, very, very well. And that, not the purported reason that an institution exists, is the measure of how and why societal institutions persist or expand. Hypocrisy and self-justification, or even self-mythology, are always part of social organization. A long-standing anthropological technique for understanding distinguishes what are called emics, from etics: what people say they do, from what they actually do.
Yes, there will have to be some shrinkage with demographic changes, and fewer students attending college, but that doesn't change the fact that, by material measures, universities are incredibly successful parts of society.
What about the intended material aspect of the knowledge factory--knowledge?
But there is another important side to all of this, which takes us back to science itself, which I think is actually important, even if it is naive or pointless to crab at the hypocrisies of science that are explicable in deep societal terms.
This has to do with knowledge itself, and with science on its own terms and goals. It relates to what could, at least in principle, advance the science itself (assuming such changes could happen without first threatening science's and scientists' and universities' assets). That will be the subject of our next post.
anthropology etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
anthropology etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
2016's textbook-free Intro to BioAnth course
This is an abridged syllabus for my course this fall. Apologies for any formatting issues, but copying and pasting from Word into Blogger isn't a party. For background on my textbook-free approach and overall philosophy for teaching evolution, please see this post and the links therein. Cheers to all you learners, teachers, and professors!
Fall 2016
APG 201: Human Origins and Evolution
3 credits
Dr. Holly Dunsworth
Course Description
The biocultural evolution of humans. An investigation into humankind’s place in nature, including a review of the living primates, human genetics and development, evolutionary theory, and the human fossil record. Fulfills both the General Education outcomes A1 (STEM knowledge) and B4 (information literacy).
Required reading
• Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin
• The Incredible Unlikeliness of Being by Alice Roberts
• Additional articles are linked in the syllabus, or posted on our course site on Sakai
Non-required reference
• Biological Anthropology, 3rd Edition by Stanford, et al. (2013, Pearson) – standard textbook (a copy is on reserve at the library, along with Shubin and Roberts)
Quizzes 1, 2, and 3 (15% each); Research Project (15%; a two part exercise in information literacy, evolutionary thinking, and writing); Portfolio (40%; a thin folder or binder containing all the assignments in chronological order.)
Unit 1. Observe and Explain - This view of life. Our place in nature. What is the anthropological perspective? What about the biocultural? What is the scientific approach to understanding human origins? What is a human? What are human traits? How do humans fit on the Tree of Life? What is evolution?
7-Sep 1.1-Introduction to course (reflecting on knowledge to spark semester)
9-Sep 1.2-Overview of course (syllabus, anthropology, etc...)
12-Sep 1.3-Scientific process
14-Sep 1.4-Linnaeus and the Order Primates
16-Sep 1.5-Overview of Primate taxonomy; Diet
19-Sep 1.6-Primate locomotion and encephalization
21-Sep 1.7-Primate tool use and communication
23-Sep 1.8-Primate sociality
26-Sep 1.9-Evolution and Darwin's evidence
28-Sep 1.10-Phylogeny
30-Sep 1.11-no class today
3-Oct 1.12-Modern evidence Darwin wishes he had
5-Oct Quiz 1
Unit 2. Explain and Predict - Explaining the similarities and differences. How evolution works. Why are we like our parents but not exactly? Why are we like other species but not exactly? How did human traits and human variation evolve? How does evolution occur? How do we know what the last common ancestor (LCA) was like?
7-Oct 2.1-Inheritance and gene expression, 1
10-Oct n/a-Columbus Day, classes do not meet
12-Oct 2.2-Inheritance and gene expression, 2
14-Oct 2.3-Inheritance and gene expression, 3
17-Oct 2.4-Mutation and gene flow
19-Oct 2.5-Natural selection
21-Oct 2.6-More natural selection; Genetic drift
24-Oct 2.7-Malaria resistance and lactase persistence
26-Oct 2.8-Building evolutionary scenarios
28-Oct 2.9- Origins of Bipedalism; Species and speciation
31-Oct 2.10 -Genomics, molecular clocks, and the LCA
2-Nov Quiz 2 -
Unit 3. Test and Observe - Evolving humans, past and present. Ancient evidence for our extinct hominin relatives. Modern human origins and variation. The cultural controversy over evolution.How did human traits evolve? How and why do humans vary? Should we look to our ancestors as a lifestyle guide? Are we still evolving? Is evolution racist? Why is human evolution misunderstood and why is it controversial?
4-Nov 3.1-The LCA and the earliest hominins
7-Nov 3.2-Australopithecus
9-Nov 3.3-Paranthropus (Research Project Part 1, due to Sakai by 9 am)
11-Nov n/a-Veteran's Day, classes do not meet
14-Nov 3.4-earliest Homo
16-Nov 3.5-Homo erectus
18-Nov 3.6-Neanderthals
21-Nov 3.7-Anatomically modern Homo sapiens
23-Nov 3.8-no class today (Research Project Part 2 due to portfolio)
25-Nov n/a-Thanksgiving Break, classes do not meet
28-Nov 3.9-The origins and evolution of human skin color variation
30-Nov 3.10-The origins and evolution of human skin color variation
2-Dec 3.11-The origins and evolution of human skin color variation
5-Dec 3.12-The origins and evolution of human skin color variation
7-Dec 3.13-The origins and evolution of human skin color variation
9-Dec 3.14-Race, racism and the cultural controversy over evolution
12-Dec 3.15-Conclusions (Portfolios due at the start of class today)
14-Dec Quiz 3 (During time of final exam)
Portfolio Assignments and Lecture Resources
Assigned Reading/viewing
· IUB, Chapter 1: Beginnings - Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In-class assignment
Additional resources
· “Do animals know where babies come from?” by H. Dunsworth (Scientific American)- Located on Sakai
Assigned Reading/viewing
· IUB, Chapter 2: Heads and brains – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· Osteology and comparative anatomy worksheet - Located on Sakai
Additional resources
· What is it like to be a biological anthropologist? A Field Paleontologist's Point of View – Su (Nature Education)
· Notes from the Field: A Primatologist's Point of View – Morgan (Nature Education)
· Expedition Rusinga (video; 8 min)
· The ape in the trees – Dunsworth (The Mermaid’s Tale)
· How Do We Know When Our Ancestors Lost Their Tails? (video; 4 min)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· How Science Works (video; 10 min):
· Understanding science: How Science Works, pages 1-21; starts here:
· Carl Sagan’s Rules for Critical Thinking and Nonsense Detection
· 10 Scientific Ideas That Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing
Portfolio Assignment
· Scientific Process worksheet - Located on Sakai
Assigned Reading/viewing
· Characteristics of Crown Primates – Kirk (Nature Education)
Portfolio Assignment
· Primate Expert worksheet - Located on Sakai
· Many primate video clips –Posted on Sakai
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Write about your primate video viewing experience, for example, you might write about what you saw, at face value, or you might want to write about what defied your expectations or what surprised you, or what you would like to learn more about. Also: Without looking at any resources except for these films, come up with some categories for the different types of primate locomotion, give those categories names and definitions, and list which species in the films fall into which categories you’ve created.
Additional resources
· Old World monkeys – Lawrence and Cords (Nature Education)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· IUB, Chapter 3: Skulls and senses – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapter and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Additional resources
· Primate locomotion – Gebo (Nature Education)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· IUB, Chapter 4: Speech and gills - Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapter and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Additional resources
· Primate Communication – Zuberbuhler (Nature Ed)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· The Human Spark 2 (video; 55 mins)
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on The Human Spark 2, highlighting something you already knew and also something you learned that was brand new to you. What is the human spark?
Additional resources
· Peace Among Primates – Sapolsky (The Greater Good)
· What Influences the Size of Groups in Which Primates Choose to Live? – Chapman & Teichroeb (Nature Ed)
· Primate Sociality and Social Systems – Swedell (Nature Ed)
· Primates in communities – Lambert (Nature Ed)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· Two chapters from The Autobiography of Charles Darwin: "Voyage…" (p. 71-81 ) and "An account of how several books arose" (p. 116- 135)
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: According to your impression of Darwin’s writings, what circumstances or experiences influenced Darwin's thinking?
Assigned Reading/viewing
· Reading a phylogenetic tree – Baum (Nature Ed)
· Trait Evolution on a Phylogenetic Tree – Baum (Nature Ed)
Portfolio Assignment
· Phylogeny worksheet - Located on Sakai
Assigned Reading/viewing
· IUB, Chapter 5: Spine and segments – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapter and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Assigned Reading/viewing
· YIF, Chapter 1: Finding Your Inner Fish - Shubin
· YIF, Chapter 2: Getting a Grip - Shubin
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: What does Shubin mean by "your inner fish"? What's the connection between a fish’s fin and your hand? How could you falsify evolutionary theory?
Additional resources
· Amazing Places, Amazing Fossils: Tiktaalik (video; 5 mins)
· The Ancient History of the Human Hand (video; 4 mins)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· YIF, Chapter 3: Handy Genes – Shubin
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: What the heck is this Sonic hedgehog thing that Shubin’s talking about?
Assigned Reading/viewing
· YIF, Chapter 4: Teeth Everywhere – Shubin
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Teeth make better fossils than bones and so they preserve more often and fill up the fossil record. If you want to do paleontology, you need to get excited about teeth. Why are teeth exciting?
Additional resources
· The Evolution of Your Teeth (video; 3 mins)
· Developing the Chromosome Theory – O’Connor (Nature Ed)
· Genetic Recombination – Clancy (Nature Ed)
· What is a Gene? Colinearity and Transcription Units – Pray (Nature Ed)
· RNA functions – Clancy (Nature Ed)
Assigned reading/viewing
· YIF, Chapter 5: Getting ahead – Shubin
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: What does Shubin mean by your "inner shark"?
Additional resources
· Our Fishy Brain (video; 2.5 mins)
· Hox Genes in Development: The Hox Code – Myers (Nature Ed)
· Gregor Mendel and the Principles of Inheritance – Miko (Nature Ed)
· Mendelian Genetics: Patterns of Inheritance and Single-Gene Disorders – Chial (Nature Ed)
· Phenotypic Range of Gene Expression: Environmental Influence – Lobo & Shaw (Nature Ed)
· Genetic Dominance: Genotype-Phenotype Relationships – Miko (Nature Ed)
· Pleiotropy: One Gene Can Affect Multiple Traits – Lobo (Nature Ed)
· Polygenic Inheritance and Gene Mapping – Chial (Nature Ed)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· YIF, Chapter 6: The Best-Laid (Body) Plans - Shubin
· YIF, Chapter 7: Adventures in Bodybuilding – Shubin
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: What are Hox genes and, according to Shubin, what do they have to do with linking a fruit fly to you? What is one benefit to being a sponge?
Additional resources
· Evolution Is Change in the Inherited Traits of a Population through Successive Generations – Forbes and Krimmel (Nature Ed)
· Mutations Are the Raw Materials of Evolution – Carlin (Nature Ed)
Portfolio Assignment
· Scenario building assignment (Part 1) - Located on Sakai
Additional Resources
· Natural selection, genetic drift and gene flow do not act in isolation in natural populations – Andrews (Nature Ed)
· Sexual selection – Brennan (Nature Ed)
Portfolio Assignment
· Wisdom tooth assignment - Located on Sakai
Additional Resources
· Neutral Theory: The null hypothesis of molecular evolution – Duret (Nature Ed)
· Negative selection – Loewe (Nature Ed)
· On the mythology of natural selection. Part I: Introduction – Weiss (The Mermaid’s Tale)
· On the mythology of natural selection. Part II: Classical Darwinism– Weiss (The Mermaid’s Tale)
· Secrets of Charles Darwin’s Breakthrough - Bauer (Salon)
Portfolio Assignment
· Scenario building assignment (Part 2) - Located on Sakai
Additional resources
· Natural Selection: Uncovering Mechanisms of Evolutionary Adaptation to Infectious Disease – Sabeti (Nature Ed)
Assigned reading/viewing
· Evolution is the only natural explanation – Dunsworth (The Mermaid’s Tale)
· The F-words of Evolution – Dunsworth (The Mermaid’s Tale)
· Another F-word of evolution – Dunsworth (The Mermaid’s Tale)
Portfolio Assignment
· Scenario building assignment (Part 3) - Located on Sakai
Additional resources
· Mutation not natural selection drives evolution – Tarlach (about Nei; Discover Magazine)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· YIF, Chapter 8: Making Scents - Shubin
· YIF, Chapter 9: Vision - Shubin
· YIF, Chapter 10: Ears – Shubin
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: After reading the Shubin chapters… Is it fair to say that when you smell something, that something is touching your brain? Why is it called the eyeless gene if you can have it and still have eyes? How does hearing work? What does your ear do besides hear, and how? What does drinking lots of alcohol do to your ears?
Additional resources
· Finding the Origins of Human Color Vision (video; 5 mins)
· We Hear with the Bones that Reptiles Eat With (video; 4 mins)
· Why should we care about species? – Hey (Nature Ed)
· Speciation: The origin of new species – Safran (Nature Ed)
· The maintenance of species diversity – Levine (Nature Ed)
· Macroevolution: Examples from the Primate World – Clee & Gonder (Nature Ed)
· Primate Speciation: A Case Study of African Apes – Mitchell & Gonder (Nature Ed)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· Things Genes Can’t Do – Weiss and Buchanan (Aeon)
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect meaningfully on the Weiss and Buchanan article and highlight something that you already knew, but also the things that you learned that are brand new to you.
Additional resources
· The Onion Test – Gregory (Genomicron)
· The Molecular Clock and Estimating Species Divergence – Ho (Nature Ed)
· Lice and Human Evolution (video; 11 mins)
· Planet without apes? – Stanford (Huffington Post)
· IUB, Chapter 6: Ribs, lungs and hearts– Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapters and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Additional resources
· How to Become a Primate Fossil – Dunsworth (Nature Ed)
· Dating Rocks and Fossils Using Geologic Methods – Peppe (Nature Ed)
· Desktop Diaries: Tim White (video; 7 mi– Posted on Sakai)
· Ancient Human Ancestors: Walking in the woods (video; 4 mins)
· Overview of hominin evolution – Pontzer (Nature Ed)
· The Earliest Hominins: Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, and Ardipithecus - Su (Nature Ed):
· IUB, Chapter 7: Guts and yolk sacs – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapters and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Additional resources
· Lucy (video; 5 mins)
· Trowelblazers (blog):
· An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (blog):
· Lucy: A marvelous specimen – Schrein (Nature Ed)
· By 9 am this morning, upload Research Project Part 1 to Sakai (so there is nothing to do today for your Portfolio)
Additional resources
· The "Robust" Australopiths – Constantino (Nature Ed)
Assigned Reading/viewing
· IUB, Chapter 8: Gonads, genitals and gestation – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapters and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Additional resources
· Ancient Hands, Ancient Tools (video; 5 mins)
· A Primer on Paleolithic Technology – Ferraro (Nature Ed)
· Evidence for Meat-Eating by Early Humans – Pobiner (Nature Ed)
· Archaeologists officially declare collective sigh over “Paleo Diet”
· IUB, Chapter 9: On the nature of limbs – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapters and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Additional resources
· Homo erectus - A Bigger, Smarter, Faster Hominin Lineage – Van Arsdale (Nature Ed)
· IUB, Chapter 10: Hip to Toe – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapters and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution.
Additional resources
· Archaic Homo sapiens – Bae (Nature Ed)
· What happened to the Neanderthals? – Harvati (Nature Ed)
· Neanderthal Behavior – Monnier (Nature Ed)
· IUB, Chapter 11: Shoulders and Thumbs – Roberts
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Reflect on Roberts’ chapters and be sure to include what it’s got to do with human evolution
Additional resources
· The Transition to Modern Behavior – Wurz (Nature Ed)
· The Neanderthal Inside Us (video; 4 mins)
· Anthropological genetics: Inferring the history of our species through the analysis of DNA – Hodgson & Disotell (Evolution: Education and Outreach)
· Testing models of modern human origins with archaeology and anatomy – Tryon & Bailey (Nature Ed)
· Human Evolutionary Tree – Adams (Nature Ed)
· Paternity Testing: Blood Types and DNA – Adams (Nature Ed)
Portfolio Assignment
· Print Research Project Part 2 and include it here
Assigned reading/viewing
· Understanding Race:
Portfolio Assignment
· Peruse the whole site then take the Human Variation Quiz at Understanding Race and record the correct answers (just the letters suffice).
(Plus whatever we accomplished in class in the Skin Color workbook and any homework I assigned to do with it.)
(Plus whatever we accomplished in class in the Skin Color workbook and any homework I assigned to do with it.)
Additional Resources
· Human Skin Color Variation (NMNH):
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Describe all the factors you can think of that contributed to the skin color you have today, right now. Would you be answering this question, in this course, if your skin color were different? Why or why not?
(Plus whatever we accomplished in class in the Skin Color workbook and any homework I assigned to do with it.)
Assigned reading/viewing
· Humans never stopped evolving – Hawks (The Scientist)
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: Are we still evolving? Why is this a question?
(Plus whatever we accomplished in class in the Skin Color workbook and any homework I assigned to do with it.)
(Plus whatever we accomplished in class in the Skin Color workbook and any homework I assigned to do with it.)
Additional resources
· We are not the boss of natural selection – Dunsworth (io9)
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: After re-reading the essay you wrote in class on Day 1.1 ("What is evolution?") compose a letter to yourself highlighting what you were right about and what you were wrong about or what was incomplete about your answer based on what you learned this semester.
(Plus whatever we accomplished in class in the Skin Color workbook and any homework I assigned to do with it.)
(Plus whatever we accomplished in class in the Skin Color workbook and any homework I assigned to do with it.)
Portfolio Assignment
· The complete student workbook for the Smithsonian’s “Evolution of Human Skin Color” curriculum (as much as we covered in class from days 3.9-3.13) - You should have already obtained and printed the workbook from Sakai for classroom work starting on 3.9. Here's where it lives publicly:
Assigned Reading/viewing
· From the Belgian Congo to the Bronx Zoo (NPR)
· A True and Faithful Account of Mr. Ota Benga the Pygmy, Written by M. Berman, Zookeeper – Mansbach
· In the Name of Darwin – Kevles (PBS)
· Human Races May Have Biological Meaning, But Races Mean Nothing About Humanity – Khan (Discover blogs)
· Are humans hard-wired for racial prejudice? - Sapolsky (LA Times)
Portfolio Assignment
· In a half-page or more: What’s the link between racism and evolution? Is Ota Benga’s treatment justified by evolutionary theory? Is evolutionary theory racist?
3.15 – SUBMIT ENTIRE PORTFOLIO (including this assignment) AT THE START OF CLASS TODAY
· YIF, Chapter 11: The Meaning of It All – Shubin
· IUB, Chapter 12: The Making of Us - Roberts
· Evolution reduces the meaning of life to survival and reproduction... Is that bad? – Dunsworth (The Mermaid’s Tale)
Portfolio Assignments
· In a half-page or more: Briefly describe what you learned this semester and what, if anything, it means to you. Also, be sure to reflect on what you're still left wondering and describe how you could find the answers to your remaining questions.
Extra credit!!! Make a time machine then go back to the start of the semester, attend classes, take notes, read all of the things, think about all of the things, complete the assignments, and study for the quizzes.
You are a Homo sapiens. We are all Homo sapiens.
And no Homo sapiens who doesn’t know their species will be given a letter grade for this course.
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