Gosh, it's been a bit windy hasn't it?  I was kept awake during the early hours by the terrible sound of it rushing against the house. I did battle with the rotary washing line and after several attempts managed to peg out some sheets. I was half afraid the whole thing would just take off out of the ground! But I had to make the most of a sunny day after all the rain we've had. There's nothing like the smell of sheets that have dried in the sun and the wind.
 Much of my time over the last month has been spent in my studio at home stitching, a lot of it by hand, which I really enjoy.
 Today I've been making cards with the pottery sherds and shells I collected last week.
I've been writing my blog for exactly 6 years now. I have never been one for keeping a diary, but looking back through that first years' series of blog posts I realized that having a blog is just like keeping a diary, and one that is greatly enhanced by having all the visual images too. It's really nice to browse through your musings and see what you were getting up to a few years back, because you do forget. It's also interesting to see what posts get read the most; for a long time it was the one on 'Trevoole Farm Garden'; now that has been overtaken by 'Summer in February'. I wonder why?

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Rare Disease Day and the promises of personalized medicine

O ur daughter Ellen wrote the post that I republish below 3 years ago, and we've reposted it in commemoration of Rare Disease Day, Febru...