Ooooh, what's in the box?

Today I received my box of 40 mystery goodies from the lovely Lizzie over at The Pea Pod after winning her giveaway last week. Each item was neatly wrapped in an old French map and tied with red and white string, which must have taken ages. Lizzie celebrated her big '40' recently, hence the number of gifts, but it certainly felt like my birthday today!

One pile of map wrappings and string later..............

Here is the veritable cornucopia of wonderful gifts from Lizzie!

Items included numerous papier mache and felt decorations made by Lizzie herself. Sherbet Fountain, Refreshers and Cadbury's Fudge: wow I haven't had those since I was at school!

A little peg angel, a wind-up tin chicken (it pecks as it walks along!) a colourful felt garland and some cute badges,

two edelweiss brooches and a felt embroidered brooch,

a vintage mini sewing kit, retro dish, green bead necklace and a wonderful book on 'How To Draw Birds'

two toy wooden houses and a horse, and , my favourite pressie: this vintage diamante choker necklace!

I am such a lucky girl! Thank you so much Lizzie, you've been very generous in your lovely gifts!

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