Red meat makes a good, scary cancer story....but is it?

It's off again, on again:  don't eat processed meat, don't eat red meat, or you'll get colon cancer!! Eat fish (well, unless it has mercury) or chicken (unless it has salmonella), or 'the other white meat': pork (remember the billboards?). They're safe!

A few years ago we seemed to have been given some relief when stories suggested that red meat (beef) was OK after all (of course, the lives of the cows were awful, and eating beef meant you doped up on antibiotics, but at least it didn't give you colon cancer).

Recently, a statement (now apparently offline) released by the International Agency for Cancer Research, a part of the World Health Organization, asserts that eating processed meat and red meat, 'causes' cancer.  Actually, the report was a bit more nuanced than the headlines, but journalists have to make a living, no?

Bacon, Stock photo

In response to strong backlash, the WHO quickly was forced to 'clarify' their clarion call to vegetarianism -- here's a link to their Q&A on the subject.  They now acknowledge, or 'clarify' that what they had done was simply add the meats to a list of known nasties, that cause cancer.  Putting meat on a causal list is one thing, but dishing it out to the media is another, and a rather irresponsible way to play for publicity (of course, if the news media made an exception and actually did their job of being skeptics, this wouldn't have unwound as it did).

In any case, the bottom line was basically that even two strips of bacon a day increases your colon cancer rate by 18%.  That sounds like a whopping and terrifying difference!  The WHO put this in the same carcinogenic-substance category as asbestos and tobacco. As they quickly clarified, that is in a sense a warning list, but the 18% figure is what got in the news and may have, at least temporarily, slammed the bacon and hamburger industry, if anybody still listens to the daily Big Warnings. However, let's hold all cynicism for the moment, hard as that is to do, and look a bit more closely at was said.

First, there seems little doubt that processed meats 'cause' cancer.  That doesn't mean an innocent-looking strip of bacon will give you cancer.  Instead, what it means is that various high quality studies have found a dose-response pattern in which higher or longer exposure levels earlier in life are associated with higher cancer incidence later on.  We know that correlation is not the same as causation, and that lifestyle factors are highly correlated.  Thus, for example, those in dire poverty don't eat tons of processed meat, and those who eat less salami also eat more brussels sprouts, take vitamins, don't smoke, lay off the double gin tonics.....and of course, go to the Ashram regularly to get your mind off the bacon you didn't eat at breakfast and the aftertaste of your dinner's brussels sprouts, and say a mantra to stay calm after you've given up everything that's fun.

Now, in the west, the lifetime risk of colon cancer is about 5%.  That means that if you tote up the probability of having cancer at age 40, 45, 50, .... 100, if the 18% figure is credible, it means that risk is about that much higher in those who dose up on pastrami and burgers.  Actually, this was the estimate based on eating 2-strips of bacon or the equivalent every day.  Of course, by far most of these cancers occur in older people (over the age of 60, say).  That means that the risk figures mainly apply to you if you live to old age, and of those who die earlier of other things their actual risk turned out to be zero--they enjoyed their visits to McD's and the deli!  That's why smoking is, in a literal epidemiological sense, a preventive relative to colon cancer (smoking will kill you of something else first).  There's no joking about cancer, but the basic idea is that for those who lived long enough, about 5% get colon cancer at some age.  Actually, while we don't know about meat-eating habits, but risks have been declining in recent years in developing countries (and, I think, increasing in other countries as they westernize).

Eat meat and lower your risk!
At a baseline of 5%, an 18% increase means a lifetime risk of about 6%.  Now if you hog up even more, your risk will go higher, perhaps much higher.  But wait a minute.  How many people actually dish up so heavily on processed meat (including steak and burger)?  Surely some do.  In fact, we don't know exactly where the lifetime risk estimate of 5% comes from; if from a population sample, then it wouldn't have regressed out meat-eating, and the figure would already include meat-eaters. However, let's ignore all these potential confounding or confusing issues and just consider the 18% figure on its own, as a given, as risk differences between abstainers and sausage gluttons.

Now in modern countries with health care systems, one routine health-care procedure is regular colonoscopy in older adults.  There was a recent estimate that regular colonoscopy can prevent about 53% of colon cancers; the reason is that precancerous polyps are found and excised so they can't transform into cancer.  Actually, you can find even more dramatic estimates of the preventive effectiveness if you scan at the web.  Likewise, you'll find many other lifestyle factors widely cited as having protective effects, including exercise, vitamins, eating vegetables, and the like.

Let's just do a bit of back-of-the-envelope numerology to make the point that if you're a bacon hog but have regular screening, get your exercise and all that, and you reduce your meat-elevated risk by 50%, then your net risk is around 3%, about half the 'average' of 5%.  One can surmise that if you stop your bacon fix, but then figure you're fine and don't do the other preventives, many of which are likely to be wanting in the meat-hog's normal lifestyle, then the actual effect of your 'healthy' baconless diet change will be to increase your cancer risk!

This is a lesson in complex causation and oversimplified news stories.  Processed meat may be a risk factor for colon cancer, but throwing irresponsibly simplified figures like raw meat to the news media leads to worse, rather than better information for the public.

So, as Hippocrates said, moderation in all things.  Eat your reuben (OK, yes, along with some broccoli).  But go one better than Hippocrates:  get scoped!

Coffee, Crafting and Cake

 In a quiet backstreet in the heart of Lostwithiel there is a little cafe called 2 Quay Street. Shall we go inside? The windows are quite steamed up...........

Ooooooh, it's lovely and warm in here! 

 The cafe is run by two friends, Amanda and Jane. They both share a love of vintage haberdashery and handmade crafts, so as well as delicious homemade cakes there are plenty of other tempting goodies on offer too!

Cosy and inviting, with comfy chairs and lit lamps, and so much to look at everywhere.....

Shelves full of fabrics and wool,

 baskets overflowing with vintage knitting patterns,

and more wool....

embroidery cottons and sewing accoutrements; bowls of buttons....

reels of ribbon and ric-rac....

and one-off handmade items for sale......

Let us take a break from all this looking and enjoy something to eat and drink,

 but which one to go for????

Last time I had the orange and almond palenta cake......

(Someone has knitted this gorgeous tea cosy of the cafe with Amanda and Janes' names above the door!)

this time I went for Jane's homemade Bakewell tart and a mug of hot choc with cream, mmmmmmm.....

On Wednesday mornings an informal get-together of knitters occurs at 2 Quay Street, which is why Angelica and I met up there today, but I confess not much knitting was achieved in between the lively chat and the consuming of cake and the distractions of vintage loveliness everywhere!

My chief distraction was this set of drawers filled with vintage plastic buttons, each drawer colour-coded.

Spotted on top of a shelf - hee-hee!

Well, I could quite happily have vegetated in a corner observing the comings and goings at No. 2 Quay Street for the rest of the day, but alas, things to do, people to see......there will always be next time! 
2 Quay Street, Lostwithiel, Cornwall
01208 872962

Unsuspected death rates and miners' canaries

One of the major problems with health-risk prediction, from genetic or even other evidence, is that risks are estimated from past data but predictions are of course only for the future.  This is not a minor point!  Predictions are predicated on the assumption that what we've seen in the past will persist.  To a somewhat lesser extent, predictions based on measured risk factors are also based on the further assumption that variables used to estimate risk are causative and not just correlated with the outcome.

An inconvenient truth is that the two, retrospective and prospective analysis, are not the same and their connection hinges on these assumptions but the assumptions are by no means obviously true. We have written about this basic set of problems many times here.

Now a new study, which we saw first as reported here in the NY Times, is that while overall death rates generally have been dropping in the US, the authors note "the declining health and fortunes of poorly educated American whites.  In middle age, they are dying at such a high rate that they are increasing the death rate for the entire group of middle-aged white Americas, [authors] Dr. Deaton and Dr. Case found.....The mortality rate for whites 45-54 years old with no more than a high school education increased by 135 deaths per 100,000 people from 1999 to 2014."

This is very different from other developed countries, for this particular age group, a shown by this figure from the authors' PNAS paper, and deviates from the generally improving age-specific mortality rates in these countries.

From Deaton and Case, PNAS Nov 2015

There are lots of putative reasons for this observation. The main causes of death were suicides, drugs, and alcohol related diseases, as shown below by the second figure from their paper.  There were mental illnesses associated with financial stress, opiate misuse and so on.

From Deaton and Case, PNAS Nov 2015

There are sociological explanations for these results, results that other demographic investigators had apparently not noticed.  They do not seem to be mysterious, nor is there any suggestion of scientific errors involved.  Our point is a different one, based on these results being entirely true, as the seem to be.

When the future is unpredictable, to an unpredictable or unknowable extent
Why were these findings a surprise? First, perhaps, because nobody bothered to look carefully at this segment of our society or at these particular subsets of the data.  To this extent, predictions of disease based on GWAS and other association studies of risk will have used past exposure-outcome associations to predict today's disease occurrences.  But they'd have been notably inaccurate, because the factors Deaton and Case considered either were not considered and/or because behavioral patterns changed in ways that couldn't have been taken into account in past studies.  There may of course be other causes that these authors didn't observe or consider that account for some of the pattern they found, and there may be other subsets of populations that have lower or higher risks than expected, if investigators but happened to look for them.  There is, of course, no way to know what data, causes, or subsets one may have not known about, not been measured, or just not considered.

That is a profound problem with risk projections based on past observations.  The risk-factor assessments of the past were adjusted for various covariates in the usual way, but one can't know all of what one should include.  There is just no way to know that and, more profoundly, as a result no way to know how inaccurate one's risk projections are.  But that is not even the most serious issue.

Much deeper is the problem that even if all exposures and behaviors of study subjects from whom risk estimates were made by correlation studies, these have unknown and unknowable relevance to future risks.   The reason is that the exposures of people in the future to these same risk factors will change, even if their genomes don't (and, of course, no two current people have the same genome, nor the same as anyone's in studies on which risks were estimated).  Even if the per-dose effects were perfectly measured (no errors of any kind), the mixture of exposures to these factors will not be the same and hence the achieved risk will differ.   There is no way to know what that mix will be.

Worse, perhaps by far, is that future risk exposures are unknowable in principle.  If a new drug for treating people under financial stress, or a new recreational drug, or a new type of cell phone or video screen, or a new diet or behavioral fad comes along, it may substantially affect risk.  It will modify the mix of existing exposures, but its quantitative effect on risk simply cannot be factored into the predicted risks because we can't consider what we have no way to know about.

In conclusion
The current study is a miners' canary in regard to predictions of health risks, whether from genetic or environmental perspectives.  This particular study is retrospective, and just shows the impact of failure to consider variables, relative to what had been concluded (in this case, that there has been a general improvement of mortality rates).  The risk factors and mortality causes reported are within the general set of things we know about and the study in this case merely shows that mistakes in using the data and so on--not any form of cheating, bad measurement, etc.--is responsible for the surprise discovery.  These things can be easily corrected.

But the warning is that there are likely many factors related to health experience that are still not measured, but should be, and that there are also an unknown number that have not been measured, for the simple reason that they do not yet exist.  The warning canaries have been cheeping as loudly as they can for quite a while, both in regard to environmental and genomic epidemiology.  The fault lies not in canaries, but in miners' leaders, the scientific establishment, who don't care to hear their calls.


En güzel hediyem
 Gözlerimin ışığı
 Kalbimin tek aşığı...

Ruhumdaki ince sızı
Alnımdaki en güzel yazı
Gecelerimin ayazı
Gündüzlerimin telaşı...

Yollarımın tozu
 Aşk'ın bana oynadığı son kozu...

October Update

Just a little update of how the shop's looking at the moment....
Knitted scarves by Alison Dupernex,

 linen toiletry bags with original screen printed designs by Helen Round,

little driftwood boats with vintage fabric sails made by Ruth Browning,

Ruth also makes these delightful driftwood gulls....(so cute)

Wendy's handmade baby shoes...

 and her gorgeous bonnets, all lined with Liberty cotton. Patsy's little notebooks have Liberty covers too...

New into the shop today are these Dorset Posy Brooches by Lizzie Moore, which I have mounted onto  images of a 1950's Vogue coat pattern...

Some of my cards sit alongside a collection of original dress patterns by Simplicity, Butterick and Maudela amongst others (such stylish illustrations!), and below them Patsy's fun bunting all  made from original fashion magazines and patterns from the 50's...

 Dare I say it but a few Christmas things have found their way into the shop this week, as it's half-term and a lot of visitors down here at the moment will not visit again before the big day.

Ooohh I love old baby shoes!

Hope you've enjoyed the little tour 


Hülya Koçyiğit’in bir filmi vardır adı ‘’Almanya acı vatan’’
Bilmem izlediniz mi hiç ?
Filmde Hülya Koçyiğit Almanya’ya çalışmaya gelmiş genç bir kadındır. Almanya’da onlarca kadınla aynı dairede yıkık dökük bir bir apartmanda yaşamaktadır. Tatillerde memleketine gönüp Alaman’dan aldıklarını köydekilere satar. E tabi biraz farkla. Tek motivasyonu para kazanmak olmuştur. Maksatı memlekette bir kaç kat alıp belki de bir dükkan açıp rahat etmektir. Ama köyünden birinin Alaman’a işçi gidebilmek için ona formalite eviliik teklif etmesiyle düzeni bozulmaya başlar. Film içinde Hülya Koçyiğit’in bu robotlaşmayı, hipnotize edilmişcesine yaşadığı tutsaklığı sorgulamasını görürüz.

Yola çıkarken niyetim hikayeyeydi. Hep söyledim, hissettim. Yok ben yapamayacağım deyip içimi ateşe verdiğim anda da telefonun karşısındaki en şahanelerim bana aynı şeyi hatırlattı. Hikayeyi…
Ama aklımın ucundan bile geçmeyen, yıllar öncesinde yazılmaya başlanmış, belki çoktan alışılmış bu gurbet hikayesinin içinde buldum kendimi.
 Alaman’da çalışmak, orada çok sıkıntı çekip sonra ülkeye döndüğünde bir ev bir arsa almak durumu aslında çok sık karşılaştığım bir şeydi. Anneannemin ev sahibi karı koca Alaman’da çalışıp yapmışlardı o apartmanı mesela. Ben bunu neredeyse yedi yaşımdan beri biliyordum. Ama hiç fark etmemiştim yanımdan geçip giden hikayeleri.
 Almanya’da  23 yaşımın son yarısını tamamladığım bu aylarda fark edebildim.
 Burada Almanya’nın hemen hemen her şehrinde ülkesiz köksüz kalmış Türkiyeliler.
 Ne Türkiye’ye ait  kalabilmiş ne Almanyalılaşabilmiş.
 Her daim öteki olmuş. Üstelik her iki toprakta da.
 Ağızlarda bir adapte olamadılar lafı almış yürümüş. Daha ucuz ve sağlıklı iş gücü olarak kabul edilmiş trenler dolusu insanın sadece çalışmasını isteyip hiç hissetmesin, düşünmesin beklemişler sanırım. Gelen işçiler Alman olmak için değil para kazanmak için gelmişken, birden bire kendilerini sapsarı bir Alman kültürü içine atmalarını beklemek çok insafsızca değil mi?  Kendi gelişlerinin ardından ailelerini de buraya aldıran Türkiyiyeliler yavaş yavaş kendi yaşam gettolarını oluşturmuşlar. Bence bir çoğu yeterince para kazanıp dönmeyi düşünmüştü. Ama işler öyle olmadı hayat devam etti çocuklar doğdu. Doğan çocuklar büyüdü okullu oldu. Bir taraftan Alman gavurdu. Adetleri farklıydı asla onlar gibi olunmamalıydı. Çocuklar korunmalıydı. Diğer taraftan hayat her zaman olduğu gibi ileriye aktı. Her şey değişti. Tek kelime Almanca öğrenmeden Türkiye'ye dönme ümidi ile yaşayıp gidenlerin çocukları aslında bilmedikleri, sadece yıllık izinlerde gördükleri bir yere ait olarak Almanya’da büyüyordu. Almancasının arasına sıkıştırdığı Türkçe sözcüklerle Türk, Türkçe konuşurken araya sıkıştırdığı almanca kelimeler yüzündense hep Almancıydı.
  Almanyalılar ötekileştirdikçe daha çok Türklüğe sığınan Türkiyeliler, kültürlerini siyasi bir tavır alarak haddinden fazla sahiplenmiş durumdalar şimdi burada.

Hamburg’ta bir işim vardı ve tren garından inince şöyle bir etrafa bakayım dedim. Hiç fark etmeden o sokak mı bu sokak mı derken bir Türk mahallesine düştü yolum. Rengiyle, kokusuyla, insanlarıyla şehrin tükürdüğü o sokak hiçbir yerin resmi gibiydi. İçimin sıkıldığını hissedip, hızlı adımlarla gara döndüm. Sonra birden tepeden bu tren raylarını görünce aklımdan bunlar geçti. Film, o güne kadar konuştuğum tüm Almanyalılar, Türkiyeliler, işçiler, hepsi .... Tam bu fotoğrafı çektiğin o anda, trenlerin içine insanların ruhlarını doldurup gerçekten var olmak isteyecekleri bunu hissedecekleri yerlere dağıtmak istedim.

   Bunlar aklımdan geçerken koca puntolarla yazılmış bir sorum var içimde kendi köklerime dair ‘’Onlar sürüldükleri topraklardan geride binlerce ölü bırakmışken, işte sizin yeni hayatınız burası denildiğinde neler yaşamışlardı?’’  

Koşulsuz Ebeveynlik - Neden Olmasın?

Bir kitap okudum hayatım değişti derler ya, bir kitap okudum ve hayata bakış açım değişi diyebilirim ben bu durumda. "Koşulsuz Ebeveynlik - Ödül ve Cezaları Terk Edip Sevgi ve Akılcılığa Yönelmek" Kitabın ismini okuduğunuzda, "ah evet ben zaten çocuğuma ceza vermem ki" diye düşünüyorsunuz ya da " yemeğini yediği için ona sticker falan da yapıştırmam" ve tabii ki "ben çocuğumu zaten seviyorum." ama yanılmışım...
Aslında kitabın bana geliş hikayesinden kısaca bahsetmeliyim (evet geliş çünkü kitap bana gel-di, beni oku dedi) Yaklaşık bir ay önceydi, arkadaşım Yeliz Günün Çorbası, isimli blogunda ya da instagram hesabında ve tabi kitap kulübümüzde  bu kitaptan bahsetmişti. Benim de ilgimi çekti, ancak internetten sipariş verirken tükenmiş olduğunu gördüm ben de onun hesaplarından birinde tükenmiş alamadım gibisinden bir yorum yazdım. İşte bu olaydan bir ay bu yazıdan da bir hafta önce kitabın çevirmeni ve Görünmez Adam Yayıncılığın sahibi Yiğit Ataman bana mail atmış, kitabı bana ulaştırabileceğini, internet kitapçılarıyla ilgili bir sorun olduğunu yazmış. Sonuçta adresimi verdim ve kitap bana geldi. (Buradan da teşekkür etmek isterim)
Önce Asya ve benim ilişkime dair bir şey okuyacağım, diğer ebeveynlik kitaplarındaki gibi yöntemlerle karşılaşacağımı düşündüm. Ancak kitabı okumaya başladığımda artık ben çocuktum, kitabı kendi çocukluğumun gözünden okudum ve çok etkilendim.
"O halde şunu söyleyebiliriz ki, koşullu veya koşulsuz ebeveynlik arasında seçim yapmak, aslında insan doğasına yönelik iki farklı bakış açısı arasında seçim yapmaktır."
Sorgulamaya başladım "sevgi neydi" sevgi emek miydi gerçekten? çocuğumuzu neden seviyorduk ki ya da herhangi bir insanı neden? sevginin nedeni olur muydu? kalpten gelmez miydi sevgi? Sevgi bize ait bir şey miydi? peki bir çocuk hiç bir nedeni olmadan sevilemez miydi? Biz de sevgiyle yaratılmamış mıydık? Her şeyi iyileştirecek olan şey sevgi değil de neydi?
Bir çocuğu terbiye etmeye çalışmanın ne kadar da insafsızca ve sevgisizce olduğunu farkettim ve bunca zamandır beni eğitmeye çalışan insanları düşündüm. Neden ben, onların olmamı istedikleri kişi olayım diye çabalıyordum ve neden ben her kendim oluşumda beni sevmiyorlardı?
Ben ailesi tarafından cezalandırılan bir çocuk olmadım, çok sert kurallarımız yoktu ama sevginin geri çekilmesinin ne demek olduğunu çok iyi biliyorum. Sırf birilerinin (annem, babam, eşim, öğretmenim,patronum) bana olan sevgisi azalmasın diye kuzu kuzu onların istediklerini yapmanın ve "uslu kız" olmanın ne demek olduğunu da biliyorum. Bu bir toplum meselesi bence ve neden böyle yönetildiğimizin de kanıtı. Otoriteye sorgusuz sualsiz bağlılık, ailemizin bizi yetiştiriş tarzından geliyor.
Koşulsuz Ebeyenlik kitabı, bize bir hayat dersi veriyor. Öz saygımızı kazanmamız, başkalarına karşı saygılı olmamız , empati yeteneğimizi geliştirmemiz ve koşulsuz olarak sevmemiz. Biz ne zamandan beri çocukları küçük ve aptal insanlar olarak tanımlamaya başladık acaba? o yüzden mi çocuklarımız küçücük bir şey yaptıklarında onları alkışa boğuyor ve ne kadar zeki olduklarına şaşıyoruz? Çocuklarımıza iyi ana babalar olmamız için kendi çocukluğumuzu iyileştirmemiz ve kendi çocuk halimizi kabul etmemiz gerekiyor. Bu güzel kitabı anlatmayı, kitaptan bir cümle ile bitirmek istiyorum.
"Bir zamanlar bize neler yapıldığını farketmek canımızı çok yakar."

Rare Disease Day and the promises of personalized medicine

O ur daughter Ellen wrote the post that I republish below 3 years ago, and we've reposted it in commemoration of Rare Disease Day, Febru...