I hope it's not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year - may 2013 bring you lots of joy!

Lately I've been making lots of heart themed things - these hanging decorations... 

and more cards......

Could it be that I'm in love, do you think? mmmmm I wonder......

(Now available in my online shop in readiness for Valentine's Day!)

 I must announce the winner of my giveaway from November!!! After selecting a number at random I am pleased to announce that the winner of the brooch is Jane ( I have sent an email)

Thank you to everyone who left a comment and gave me feedback about the website; I have talked to 'What i'd Love' and they are hopefully going to do something about making the images larger.

I went for a walk yesterday and saw the first primroses in the hedgerow, Spring is not far round the corner. It's been sooo wet, and dark (I can't remember a day when I haven't had the lights on indoors). I'm just looking forward to being able to get out in the garden and do some weeding, and hang out the washing for once instead of having it all over the house. For all that we moan about the weather in Britain though we ought to thank our lucky stars that we don't suffer from extremes, such as drought and hurricanes.    
Those terrible bush fires raging out of control in Australia and Tasmania at the moment, with people losing their homes and all their possessions......
After living in West Africa for a time where everyday was the same temperature and humidity and there were no seasons at all, I do appreciate the wonderful variety of weather that we experience here on this fair isle, and the changing seasons with their never-ending cycle of growth and decay. How beautiful is the skeletal outline of a leafless tree against a washed-out winter sky, or the brilliant green shoots of a daffodil pushing their way through the dead brown leaves at the roadside. Simple joys..... x

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Rare Disease Day and the promises of personalized medicine

O ur daughter Ellen wrote the post that I republish below 3 years ago, and we've reposted it in commemoration of Rare Disease Day, Febru...