Autumnal bliss

Yesterday after I'd closed up at the shop I went picking blackberries above Percuil River, and the hush of the evening was such perfection I wanted to commit it to memory forever.

Today I spent lazing on the beach, perfect blue sky and hot but not searing sunshine; listening to the sound of happy carefree children at play. I swam in the sea too but not for long, it was colder than a few months ago. 

Has anyone else got a plague of flies? I've just spent the last half-hour swotting and catching sixteen flies in my bedroom alone, all zipping round my lamp in that frenzied drugged state.... aarrggghhhhh!

Sorry to do a retrospective bit of blogging now, but a couple of weeks ago Angela and I found ourselves at the second annual Hat Festival in Bridport, Dorset.

 There were lots of street stalls, the weather was kind to us on the whole, and the atmosphere was very jovial. I think it was a great way to get the whole town involved; anyone could participate simply by wearing a hat!

 There were some weird and wonderful hats on show, but I think Angela should take the prize for being the most stylish - what do you think?

A very daring South American red felt trilby, and Angela carried it off with panache!

I love this great second-hand bookshop in Bridport, I never leave empty handed! 

Cheery-bye blogger friends! I look forward to reading what you have been doing in the sunshine this week x x x

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Rare Disease Day and the promises of personalized medicine

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