A new year!

So here it is......2011! Happy New Year everyone!

The turning of a new year is a time to reflect on what has passed and look forward to what is yet to come.......

Nothing really significant happened in my life in 2010, it seemed to be a year of just buckling down and getting on with it....but then nothing terrible happened either so I can only be grateful for that. Hearing the news last night about the knife-edge political situation currently playing out in the West African country of Ivory Coast has brought back lots of memories for me, because when I was 6 years old I went with my family to live in that country's capital, Abidjan. My father was employed by ICI and had just acquired a job out there. We remained for two years, and they proved to be the most formative years of my childhood. I looked in the suitcase under the bed where I keep my photograph albums and found my old school photo of the first class I was in at 'The American International School':

Here I am kneeling on the grass at the far right, and on the far left in the front row was my best friend Alexia. Our class was truly international, with fellow pupils from Ghana, Senegal, United States, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Haiti, Ethiopia. There was one other English girl, my friend Nicole. Alexia and I were inseparable for those two years, but on my return to England we lost touch with each other, as her father was an ambassador and they moved from country to country. Alexia was from Haiti, and I recently typed her name into Facebook to see if perchance she was there... but no. I do hope she is safe and well.
2010 has been a year of devastating natural disasters - the Haiti earthquake and the Pakistan floods - and much human suffering. I just hope and pray that the Ivory Coast situation does not develop into another genocide. History is littered with rulers who have become so intoxicated with power that they refuse to stand down when a new leader has been democratically elected by the people, and it is the common people who end up suffering.
As I look forward to the year ahead, I can feel a change in my life coming......I have been feeling restless for a few years now, not quite knowing what to do, just letting things drift along. But life is what we make it, and if I need change then I must make it happen!

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 MUTLU YILLAARRRRR!!!

Özel günler dahilindeki Yeni Yıl'a girme düşüncesini pek sevdiğimi söyleyemeyceğim. Eğlenmesine eğelniyorum. Hoş Ben hep eğleniyorum zaten sevgili okuyucularım :) Gelin görün ki, bir yıl daha eksiliyor hayatımızdan. Ne yaptık diye bir düşününce, elinizde ne olduğunu görüyor musunuz? Sanırım en önemlisi de bu! Kaybettiklerimizin değil, bize getirdiğini deneyimlerin kıymetini bilmek lazım. Ardından elimizde olanlara sıkıca sarılmak.. Kimi günler geçiyor, acımasız- fırtınalara yüz tutmuş gibi.. Dimdik durmak gerek! Herşeye rağmen dimdik durmak! Düştüğünüz anda yeniden yerden kalkmak veya siz düşerken elinizden tutan birinin tam yanınızda olması.. Ben bu bakımdan çok şanslıyım. Düşmeme asla izin vermeyecek biri var ya da ayağım takılıp sendelediğimde sıkıca elimden tutacak.. Derin nefes alıp sakinleşmek ve üstüne yeniden başlamalı. Belki de sıfırdan.. Hayallere kolay ulaşılmıyor ne yazık ki! Ulaştığınızda ise, tadı doyumsuz oluyor! Sadece olmasına izin verin ve balonlarınızı yakalamaya çalışın. Bir tek gülücüğün hayatta neleri değiştirdiğini bir görseniz.. Hadi siz de öyle yapın bu karamsar ve kuyu kıvamındaki hayatı Ti'ye alarak, bir yıl daha biterken, tam yanınızdaki kişinin gözlerine bakıp, ona kocaman gülümseyin.. Hepimiz için muhteşem bir sene diliyorum. Bütün hayallerimizin gerçekleşmesi dileğiyle..
Bon Appetit!
Sorry I didn't get a chance to blog again before Christmas, but I hope you have all had a lovely festive few days. I really appreciated spending two days just relaxing with Mum and Dad, with no pressure to do anything but help cook the dinner and then eat it!

Mum had gone for a white, silver and glass theme on her tree this year, with white candles

and these traditional German straw stars.

There's nothing nicer than sitting by a real log fire is there?

Portscatho is looking very festive at the moment, so one bitterly cold evening last week after I'd closed the shop I took a wander round the village to show you the Christmas lights......

This tiny cottage on the Lugger always goes to town with loads of flashing lights in all colours and designs!

The winking snowman!

Just opposite my shop are two lovely galleries: The Harbour Gallery and Spindrift Gallery.

Cynthia Greenslade who runs Spindrift is herself a practising artist and always has a beautiful selection of jewellery, ceramics, glassware and paintings on display.

This is the view down the road leading to The Sea Garden.......

and the shop itself.

Here's a random selection of what's on sale at the moment............

An amazing doll from the 1870's with moveable wooden joints, and several recycled notebooks fashioned from vintage hardback books, with original illustrations retained.

These gorgeous hand-made porcelain buttons are by Amanda Mercer.

I put flower lights up round my bed-head last Christmas, and then couldn't bear to take them down again, so they remain up all year long now. It makes going to bed even more of a pleasure. Go on, put some lights up round your bed - you feel like a princess!

Best wishes to all of you friends for a very happy and fulfilling year ahead; your company as I have progressed on my journey as a new blogger has been inspirational - thank you!


Christmas is a time to celebrate our relationships with family and friends. Tonight I think of all those whose Christmas will be tinged with sadness with the remembrance of a dear loved one who is lost or missing from their lives this year.
I light a candle for you. x

sarah mclachlan - wintersong

Winter Walks

I managed to grab two lovely walks in the winter sunshine this week. On Monday I did a circuit round the Trewithen estate which I am lucky enough to have right on my doorstep. There are some truly magnificent trees in the grounds, beautifully silhouetted against the sky at this time of year.

The lichen on this rough hewn branch fence is always something I stop to look at when I pass.

Like tiny miniature forests....

When I return home I pick up a parcel from the post office - it's come all the way from California! I will show you what was inside later...

Then on Wednesday a walk to Ladock down winding country lanes,

Underneath the railway bridge that serves the Penzance - London mainline,

To the beautiful old church at Ladock.

This window is one of the loveliest I know, I love to sit and look at it.

I particularly adore the roses and lilies in this ladies lap and on her headdress

The main window above the altar was designed by the two great Pre-Raphaelite painters Edward Burne-Jones and William Morris.

Can you spot the little shepherds and kings at the sides of the altar below?

The window above the side altar is also by William Morris.

We were just about to leave when there was a scuffling of footsteps and a chatter of voices outside, and in came the children from the school next door to decorate the tree!

Lots of tinsel and handmade baubles,

and these adorably sweet angels!

On the way to Ladock I had spotted a large Hawthorn branch which had fallen onto the hedge not too far from home, so when we passed it on the return journey I retrieved it and hoisted it onto my shoulder, and carried it triumphantly back to the cottage. It felt like I had an enormous pair of antlers growing out of my head. My friend thought me quite mad!

But I knew it would make a wonderful twiggy Christmas tree!

This wooly shepherd and his cute sheep always has to be part of my Christmas tableau!

I have kept the decoration of my tree to a minimum, hanging little glass holders with tealights inside, a few baubles and wooden hearts and stars, some tiny red ceramic hearts, and three stitched fabric heart hangings by Lynn of 'Sea Angels'.

This is what was in the California parcel - two little ceramic cups that I won from the very talented Julie Whitmore when I came runner-up in her giveaway recently. Aren't they so sweet!

Snowman and robins on their little frozen pond....

I will post again when I light the candles for the first time and take some pics. Hope you are all loving decorating your homes too!

Rare Disease Day and the promises of personalized medicine

O ur daughter Ellen wrote the post that I republish below 3 years ago, and we've reposted it in commemoration of Rare Disease Day, Febru...